Getting The Facts On Choosing Crucial Elements In

You can meet the right person at the wrong time just as easily as you can meet the wrong person at the right time. Sometimes a season of friendship, even if it's casual friends is invaluable to a relationship because it allows for these deep roots to form that makes your love last a lifetime. For example, I have a relative who is a Libra and she met her Pisces when they were work colleagues. She was aware that they had chemistry but something didn't connect emotionally in him, it was all mental. A year later after being friends and work colleagues for some time, they ended up in a situation that took them both by surprise. They have been married for over 20 years now and survived a bout of cancer, loss of careers and rebuilding them back up again. And, they say it was their friendship that has made their marriage last and their chemistry stronger over time. Today, as we look at the logical and friendly nature of a silent Aquarian Moon remember that it's not always rush to start in love or with anything that's of lasting value for that matter. Sure, it's important to strike when the iron is hot, but with tender things that involve matters of the heart, sometimes it's better to handle lightly and see where things lead over time. Aries, just be yourself today and remember that when you are a great person, others take notice, and you can just enjoy life and being yourself. Taurus, talk about your feelings today. When things get bottled up too long inside, emotions can come out sideways. So, tell a friend how you feel or if you can't do that, pray or journal your emotions out. Gemini, life is a series of questions and answers.
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